Friday, February 10, 2012

Special Person's Day!

Today was Barker Elementary's Special Person's Day and I was the guest of the cutest 3rd grader at the school!  When I heard that sweet small voice on the phone inviting me as her Special Person, my heart melted.  In honor of the Valentine's Day spirit, Hannah and I had a lovely day!  I showed up to Barker, which is where I went for elementary school, and I met up with Hannah for some cookies and punch!  Then it was craft time!  We made paper bugs and gave them to each other.  Of course, Hannah had told all her classmates that I was Miss Southern California so little girls were coming up to me to say hi. :)  But instead of just writing my name, she wanted me to sign my title so she could show her friends at recess.   After the activities at church, we made our beloved Taco Bell run!  Thank you, Hannah for a great day and making me feel special! You are definitely special to me!

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